The Leader Since 1979

Add a Crew Member

Racing Radios Crew Packages allow you to quickly add or replace a crew member setup. Choose from the NEW MOTOTRBO R7 and R2 Digital / Analog, CP100D Digital, and BPR40 Mag-One to add a crew setup to your Racing Radios Complete System or current two-way communication setup.

For racing series that require helmets over the wall, we offer a complete Crew Helmet Kit Package, which includes a helmet kit, mic, stereo earbuds, a Motorola Portable Radio (Several Models Available), and accessories.

****These are bundled packages containing the Motorola BPR40 MagOne Analog Radio with a MAP price of $269, the Motorola R2 Digital Radio with a MAP price of $649, the Motorola R2 Analog Radio with a MAP price of $549, the R7 with a MAP price of $1,683, and the CD100D Digital Radio with a MAP price of $405.